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The options dialog allows you to select some of the default options.  These options are specific to your portfolio. eg. you could have a different default stock exchange for each portfolio.


Default Exchange:       This is the default stock exchange.  Any stocks with this exchange will not display the suffix in the trade lists.  To set a default exchange to be selected when adding new trades, you will need to set this under the Account.

Default list style:         Select the default list style that will be automatically loaded with your portfolio.

List Font:                     The font that is used in the trade and watch lists.

Financial Year Ends:   Here you can select the last day of your financial year to be the correct dates for your financial year.  By default it is set to the Australian financial year of July 1 - June 30.  This date effects how the history trade list and overall statistics  are calculated and displayed. It also determines which dates will be reported on in the tax report.  If you want to set Portfolio Manager to work with actual years instead of financial years, set the last day to be Dec 31st.

Stock price update delay:        The delay in minutes between each automatic stock price update.  Between this time you can still force a price update.  Please note that if you have Portfolio Manager minimized then the price will not be updated until you switch back to the application.  The price is updated as soon as you do this.

Include open trades in History tab:     When enabled any open trades will be included in each year held in the history tab.  This allows you to easily see which stocks you held during that year as well as any associated dividends for that year. 

Include brokerage in history calculations before sold:           This option allows portfolio manager to include the brokerage in your history before you have actually sold the stock.  The advantage of this is it allows you to see which year that you incurred the brokerage expense.