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The reporting engine allows for a number of different reports to be created. Currently we offer 5 main report types. The Tax Report, Profit/Loss Statement, Dividends, Open Trades and General Ledger.  There is also an Australian Tax Report which is better suited for the Australian tax laws.

Each of these differ slightly with what what information is displayed. Each of these reports has the ability to report on all of your stocks, or a single specific stock. You can also set the date range of the reported data. For example a Tax Report you would want to report on Last Financial Year, but a Profit/Loss Statement you may want to see what your profit/loss was for last month.

To run a report, simply click on Tools | Reports and then select the required report from the list.  There are currently 4 different reports to choose from. 


You can then select the options to report on certain accounts, stocks as well as selecting the date range to report on.
Tax Report

The Tax Report includes details on every stock that you have sold during the financial year so that you can calculate your capital gains / losses, as well as every dividend that you have received for the year.

This can be easily printed or exported to either PDF or Excel.