Trades List
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The trade lists display a list of the stocks, along with all the relevant details on each trade.  It is separated into two different tabs.   Open Trades, and History.  The displayed columns for each of these lists can be customized at any time to display any of the available columns. This means that you can setup each list to display only the columns (information) that you require.

Each transaction in the list is grouped together by the stock code.  Multiple parcels of the same stock are consolidated into a single entry, which can be expanded to list each individual transaction by clicking on the [+] icon next to the stocks name.  The first row of each stock is always the consolidated item, even if there’s only a single transaction for that stock.

The trades are also color coded.  Blue signifies a profitable trade, while red a loss.


While both the Open Trades and the History lists function almost identically, they contain a slightly different set of information.

The open trades tab displays only the stocks which you currently own.  It includes all of the expenses / gains for that stock since you purchased the stock.  The current share price is updated online with a delayed share price of 20 minutes.  This can be seen under the 'Last' column, with the days change in brackets under the 'Stock Code' column.

The History tab shows the expenses / gains for only the specified financial year.  It displays all the stocks which you held during that year, including any open trades.  By default it won't show the open trades however you can right click and include them.  The open trades are displayed here in green to signify that you still hold the stock, and only contain the expenses and gains within the specified year.  For example, brokerage and dividends.  For open trades, the buy brokerage is included in the year that the stock was purchased.

Not all options are available when selecting a consolidated item.  For example you can sell a consolidated item as it chooses all the parcels in the list to be sold, but you cannot modify or remove a consolidated item unless you only have a single parcel.

To modify or remove a transaction from the list you must first select the actual transaction from the list, not the consolidated item.  This is done by expanding the row.  Right clicking on this transaction brings up a menu with the buy, edit, sell and delete options.  This displays the original transaction details dialog where you can modify any of the values.


The History trade list again differs slightly here, only giving you the option to edit, or delete the transaction from the list.

Each of these columns can also be sorted by clicking on the column name.