Portfolio Overview
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The portfolio overview contains some basic statistics on your portfolio.  It is split into two sections.

The account overview gives you an indication of how much money you have allocated to use. The total funds is how much you have in your portfolio.  Available funds is the amount that you do not currently have allocated to any stocks.  If your using multiple accounts you can switch between your accounts at any time by clicking on the account list and selecting the other account.  The total return is a percentage indication of your total return on your portfolio for that account, based off both your open and closed trades.


The history section holds the relevant information to the history trade list.  Here you can select which year is displayed in the history list, allowing you to see what stocks you held during the selected years, along with the statistics to go with them.  By default the year is set to the financial year, but this can be changed to calendar years from the options.  It also includes all dividends and expenses associated with the historical trades for the selected year.  This selected year also determines which year you report on when running any of the Reports.


The open trades section only displays information on the stocks that you currently hold.  The market value and profit are calculated from the last updated price that has been updated from the internet.
