Transaction Details
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The transaction details dialog allows you to either modify an existing transaction, or add a new one to the list.  A transaction is a parcel of shares that you have purchased.  In the case of shares which you have sold, it includes both the buy and sell trades. 

To add a new trade, click the the 'Enter Trade' button graphic.  The stock transaction details dialog will be shown where you can enter in the stock code, date, quantity, price and brokerage information.  A stock can be modified by first selecting it from the trade list, and then right clicking and choosing 'Edit' from the pop-up menu.


Select the account which you would like to add this trade to.  This will automatically set the exchange to the accounts default exchange.

The exchange list allows you to select stocks purchased on different exchanges around the world.  Since generally you will be purchasing stocks on the same stock exchange, it is advisable to set the default listed exchange under in Options.  If you know the exchange suffix you can also enter in the stock code including this suffix.  For example for the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) you could enter in SGB.AX.  This will automatically switch the selected exchange to the ASX.

The Trade Type determines the type of transaction.  The default is ordinary share, but you also have the option of Dividend Reinvestment and Special Issue or short trade.

The Purchased tab contains the details of the trade when entering a trade.  There are several required values that you must enter in order to enter a transaction.  These include the stock code, date, quantity and price.  The total amount shows you how much the trade will cost you.

The brokerage can be entered as a fixed amount, or a % of the transaction (Quantity x Price). For example, 32.90, or 0.065%.

If you will be allocating all the units to a Dividend Reinvestment Plan then set the DRP Allocation to be the same as the quantity held.

If you are entering stocks like BT.A on the London Stock Exchange, then you will need to select the LSE from the exchange list and then enter the stock in as BT-A instead of BT.A.

You can also optionally choose to enter in some information for the trading dairy.  This can be the reasons for purchasing the stock, or when you plan on selling the stock.

The DRP allocation value is the quantity of units that you have allocated to dividend reinvestment plan.  The remaining units will be used when calculating the number of units held for dividends.  If you receive a dividend reinvestment you will need to add it in as a new transaction, but selecting the trade type of Dividend Reinvestment instead of ordinary shares.

The Trading Plan tab allows you to enter in some basic information on your plan such as your targets and stop loss values.

The 'Sold' tab contains the trade details when exiting a trade.  You would normally only see need to use this tab when modifying a trade, but you can also use it to speed up the entering of transactions when you have already sold the stock.  In order for the stock to be sold you must enter in all the fields on this tab, and ensure that the date tick box is checked.  Note that you could also undo a sell of a trade by un-checking the tick box.  The total amount displays the amount you will get back on the stock when sold.


You can also optionally choose to enter in some information for the trading dairy when selling the stock.  This can be the reasons for selling the stock, if you stuck to your trading plan.