Trading Plan
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As part of the transaction details, you can also set some information for your trading plan.  As your trading plan plays such a big part in your overall trading style, it is extremely important to track your trades.  This can then later be analyzed to improve your overall trading strategy.


Portfolio Manager allows you to enter in a target price, target date and a disaster stop loss against each trade.  This information is optional and requires you to enable it by checking the tick box before you enter in a value. 

For all trades you should immediately set a disaster stop loss.  This is your minimum amount you will allow the share to drop to before pulling out to protect the rest of your portfolio.  As a general rule you should not risk any more than 2% of your entire portfolio on any one trade.

By setting a rating for each of your trades you can help analyze your trades.  A profitable trade may not necessarily be an excellent trade as you may not have followed your pre-determined trading rules.

This extra information can also be displayed on either of the trade lists by adding in the new columns.