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The main screen offers all the information which is required to manage and track your portfolio. 


The Trades Lists display information on both open and historical trades per financial year. When collapsed, the trade information displays a consolidated view, containing all the trades for that particular stock.  Expanding this item by clicking on the [+] icon will show both the consolidated item as well as each individual transaction that has been entered for that stock. To modify or delete any transactions you must select one of these transactions, not the consolidated item.

The Portfolio Overview statistics displays information on how your entire portfolio is performing.  The account overview gives you an indication of the funds that you have available to you.  The historical statistics includes all closed trades as well as all dividends for the specified financial year.  Here you can also select which financial year is being reported on.  The open trades include the potential profit of all your stocks which you currently hold, based on the last updated price.

For more information on using Portfolio Manager please refer to the following sections:

            Example Trade

            Entering, Modifying, Deleting Trades
            Exiting Trades
            Watch List
            Adding a password to your portfolio
            Trade Diary
            Stock Calculator