Watch List
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By using the watch list you can keep track of how certain stocks which are not in your portfolio are performing.  This also gives you slightly more information on each stock such as the open/low/high values. 

To add a new stock either right click on the list and select 'Add', or click on the menu Watch List | Add.  Enter in the exchange and the stock which you would like to monitor and it will be added to the list.  You can also remove any stock by first selecting it and then right clicking and selecting 'Remove'.


You can sort, hide or move any of these columns the same as you can with the trade lists.  You can also easily buy any of the stocks in this list by right clicking and selecting 'Buy' from the menu.

Another option here is to display the market indices.  For example to display the Australian all ordinaries you can enter in ^AORD.  Visit the yahoo website for more information on the codes for each of the indices.