Available Columns
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The trade list columns can be customized at any time to display only the information that you require.  You can return the displayed columns back to their defaults by clicking on Tools | Reset Columns.

The following columns are available for your use:

Account:              The account that has been used for the stock
Stock Code:         The stock code.  In the open trades list this also includes the days change in brackets
Stock Name:        The name of the company
Quantity:              The quantity held
Buy Price:            The price that the stock was purchased at
Sell Price:            The price that the stock was sold at
Brokerage:           The brokerage amount of the transaction
Cost:                    The cost of the transaction including brokerage
CUR:                    The currency of the account that the stock is held in
Value:                  The value of the transaction.  In the open trades list, this is based on the last price which is updated over the internet.
Dividends:            The value of the dividends.  In the open trades list, this includes all the dividends since the purchase of the stock, while the history list only includes the dividends for that financial year
Profit / Loss:        The amount that the stock has made or lost
% Profit:               The percentage of profit or loss
Weight:                The weight of the stock against the other listed stocks
Annual %:            (CAGR) Compound Annual Growth Rate %.  The year on year growth rate over a period.  This could be compared with fixed term deposits
Net Profit:            The profit / loss including any dividends and expenses
% Net Profit:         The % profit/loss including any dividends and expenses
Last:                     Under the open trades list, this value is the last updated price of the stock
Total Cost:           Total cost of the purchase including the buy brokerage
Days Held:           The number of days that the stock has been held for
Day Chg:              The days increased / decreased amount in dollars
Day %:                  The days increased / decreased amount as a percentage
Avg Price:            The average price paid per share.  This includes brokerage
Disaster Stop:      The stop loss value that you have set for the stock
Target Price:        The target price that you have set for the stock
Days Held:           The number of days that you have held the stock for
Date:                    The date that you purchased and sold the stock
Rating:                 The rating that you gave the stock
Update Type:       Whether or not the stock is set to auto or manual price updates
Trade Type:          The type of the trade.  This can be long, short, dividend reinvestment etc.