On each list, you can choose what columns are displayed, and what order they're displayed in.  This information is stored and reloaded so that your customization remains.

To customize the columns, right click on any one of the column headings.  A pop-up menu is displayed with several options.

Best Fit:                       Re-sizes the selected column to display all the information.
Best Fit All:                  Re-sizes all the columns to Best fit.
Auto Fit (No Scroll):     Attempts to resize all the columns to fit everything on a single screen without having to scroll across the columns.
Pinned:                        Pins a column so that when scrolling its always visible.
Show/Hide Columns:   This is alternative way of selecting which columns you would like to have displayed to the customize columns option.  Selecting the column from this list will either show or hide it from the trade list.
Customize Columns:   Displays a dialog with other columns which are not currently being displayed.  You can add or remove columns by dragging the column name to / from the trade lists.  The Open Trades, and History Trades can contain a different set of columns.

You can return the displayed columns back to their defaults by clicking on Tools | Reset Columns.