Rebuild Account Transactions
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If you started on a version earlier than v1.8 then your account history may not include all the required transactions to correctly run the general ledger report.  If this is the case then you can easily rebuild the account history by doing the following:

1.   Decide if you want dividend amounts to be automatically added to the account balance.  Click on Accounts | Account Setup.  Select your account from the list and click Edit.  If you want to add the amounts then put a tick next to Add dividend amounts to account.
2.   Click on Tools | Rebuild account transactions.
3.   If you started with a certain number of funds (eg started with $10,000), or added funds to your account then click the 'Add Funds' button.  Repeat this as many times as you need.
4.   Click 'OK'

It will take some time to rebuild the list of transactions.  This only needs to be run once.